Monday, April 30, 2012


You know,

When I had Faith, I wanted to do the whole take a picture of Jeff and I kissing while pink balloons fly up from a box...but alas, we were poor college students with maybe $20 in the bank, so it didn't happen....

but now EVERYONE is doing it...I don't want to announce the gender of baby 2.0 like everyone else would...

So...we found some inspiration and decided to do something all our own...

Trying to get the angle right was Jeff's favorite part...we have about 20 pictures of us kissing, but not enough of the banner...In a perfect world we would have been holding it, but that didn't quite I hung it up.

When the little diva woke up, we decided she deserved to be in on the action too! She was pretty happy about it.  You see, unlike some other divas, she is showing no fear when it comes to sharing her spotlight!
And because we like kissy face pictures soooo much.....

(Please excuse the this point in the pregnancy its almost impossible to hide it...)
For those of you that are wondering about the "medical" end of things- all is well. We have another "very long" baby (in the exact words of the ultra sound technician and the doc...the baby is measuring almost 21 weeks according to the average length charts and, given all measurements, likely weighs about 11 oz.  (almost a whole pound...golly gee whilikers!)  According to Dr. H. "The baby looks beautiful, keep doing whatever it is you're doing..."  You got it Dr. got it!

So I guess Jeff will be living every man's in a house surrounded by beautiful women.

Lucky son of a gun!

Hugs and loves until next time darlings.

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