Thursday, September 3, 2009


Okay...I know its been a while since I've written. Life has been super duper crazy. I have, however, made some huge decisions that are going to alter the course a little bit... I don't necessarily feel that I ascribe to any political party, so not "staying the course" leans me a little bit more towards the democratic side, but sometimes you just need to change (I'm sorry,that was a horrible joke, I'm tired...)



I've been involved in a Cabaret show for the last week and a half and I am EXHAUSTED! I've had so much going on between late night rehearsals and work that I haven't had a moment for myself. I know the costume isn't as modest as I'd like it to be, but the director was pretty hard lined about what he wanted from everyone costume wise...I quickly go to the bathroom at intermission and put on my G top because I was able to work out a deal so I could have a jacket in the second act...yeah...I'm not so sure I'm going to do another show...
As far as the big changes are concerned....wait for it....
I'm going to go back to school....
To do what? A doctorate? Get my Music Ed stuff? WROOOONG! Thanks for playing,
I'm actually planning on trying to get into nursing school. I will have to do a semester of prerequisites before I apply to any nursing program, so right now I am just working on getting into a school that is close to home (I miss Idaho!) and then after I've done the prerequisites I will take it from there.
Missoula is nice, and I've learned a lot about myself, the world, and life here, but I think its time to move on. Lately, I find that my heart has been more drawn to home and family and I also have been reviewing my finances and finding that perhaps going back to school would be in my best interest as far as job security is concerned. I am super excited to go back to something that I've always been interested in and loved. I think learning about the human body and how to help treat the sick and afflicted is going to be one of the most awesome and humbling experiences I will have in my life to date and I am eager to take on the challenge.
I applied to Boise State, BYU-Idaho and I am looking into the ISU outreaches in Meridian and Idaho Falls. In either place, I will be able to live with family and be close to the things that most important to me and that makes me super excited too!
Well, I'm off! I have other things to do and places to go! I'll catch you on the flipside!
Hugs and Loves until next time!


Unknown said...

I think that is a great idea! Oh, and if you came to Boise and/or Meridian, we'd definitely HAVE to hang out!

Meikjn said...

good luck, I too think it is a great idea. I understand the family thing. it has been hard on me being this far away. I wish we could sing sometime I have no one to duet with here. I know you will end up where you are supposed to be.