Monday, March 23, 2009

Apples and Caramel I sit at the Institute, we have just finished FHE...I helped make caramel for dipping caramel apples. The recipe actually turned out really well...I was pleased with my efforts. Its always nice to help out my friends who are in charge of the activities like this. We're watching The Emperor's New Groove...I haven't seen this movie in forever, it seems so odd to me that I haven't seen it in 3 years and I can still quote it...This has to be one of the most clever Disney movies ever made...the jokes are genius...the only thing that would have made it better would have been if it was a musical....but then again, that is my one complaint with most movies. I sit...alone...a little disappointed that certain people didn't show up...and probably won't....happy to see the people that did show up...I am a twisting hurricane of emotions, especially with my lovely sinus infection...

Ahhhhh Kronk...he almost makes me forget that I feel like I am breathing through a tube...

Sorry, I know its a bit random, but as I watch this movie I have random thoughts and I feel like sharing them with someone, and since I'm sitting all understand...

everyone should go pull out a copy of the Emperor's New Groove, its the best movie ever...ahhhhh.... I'm rambling. Just ignore me. Maybe its the movie, maybe its the heaps and mounds of cold medicine I'm taking to clear my sinuses, at any rate. I won't make you sit through any more babble..

Peace out homies!

1 comment:

Amber Wray said...

I love your babbeling it is so entertaining. You write so well! I am sorry you are sick and hope that your drug high will end soon! I love you and I am crying inside when I think about you not coming home this summer but I am happy for you if you are happy. Who knows maybe your prince charming will walk out of the mountains there!