Thursday, November 21, 2013

November Freezer Meal Post

Hey friends,

Here is the freezer meal post. Sorry its so late. I have been super busy trying to get everything settled in here and Jeff has been out of town the last two weeks in a row so I've been kicking it by myself and haven't really had a lot of "me" time.

It won't be my prettiest post, as I don't have time to embed the links, but you can copy and paste the links from the list I'm posting.

Happy meal planning!

Honey Lime Enchiladas

Friday, November 8, 2013

Moved In and Moving On...


Sorry I've been incommunicado the last week or so. We ended up moving sooner than expected (like 5 days sooner), and didn't have internet for a good chunk of time. To my faithful readers that love my meal plans, never fear. I have one coming. I just need to finalize a few things. We've not been feeling too well in our house for the last few weeks, so I decided that this next group of meals will be freezer meals. Should be pretty exciting (if meal planning excites you like it does me...I'm such a nerd...*sigh*)

We're now residents of Logan, UT. Jeff is loving his new job. Next week, he will be headed to the bible belt to work on billboards in Georgia and Tennessee. There are possible plans for him to go to Russia since they just sold a new billboard in Moscow, so he is in the process of getting his passport all together (and I'm in the process of being totally jealous if he gets to go without me...LOL). Yes, this job requires a lot of travel; however, his other job would have required him to be gone for 2 weeks at a time with little to no contact, and the most he will ever be gone with this job (unless its an international job) is 5 days. He is ALWAYS guaranteed to have his weekends, and when he's here in Logan working, we're guaranteed that the latest he would ever be home is 5:30 or 6 (and that's if he's working overtime. His shift is supposed to be over at 3:30 in the afternoon.)

I knew what I married into when I married my smarty pants electronics technician. Jeff isn't the kind of guy who would be content with a factory job doing the same thing day in and day out...and so, the only other jobs that he would be able to get that aren't him doing the same thing every day are travelling jobs, going where the malfunctions are, and troubleshooting like a boss.

The girls seem to have adjusted well. The first night here in our new place, they both woke up at one point or another terrified because they didn't recognize where they were, but they have figured it out.

They are loving our new backyard (we share it with the people who live on the main floor of the house, we have the basement).  Faith is particularly in love with the swing set. We have a hard time convincing her to come in any time we go outside for anything.  They are also loving the new found freedom. With the set up of this particular basement apartment, putting up baby gates where we normally had them is impossible or doesn't make sense...they like to sit at my feet while I'm cooking in the kitchen, which makes Jeff really nervous, and they like to open and close drawers and cabinets...this has led to several unfortunate pinched finger incidents in the last week...we're hoping they learn their lesson. (Don't worry, I have made sure that all of my chemicals and cleaning supplies are on the top shelf in the bathroom. The worst the kidlets can do is open the cupboard under the sink and smash one of my glass vases...since that was the only place they'd fit. I've been good about catching them when they have opened that cupboard though. We haven't had any incidents of them trying to open those cupboards for 3 or so maybe we've made progress?)

As far as getting help to have therapies in place for Faith is concerned, I was shocked to have my email to the local infant/toddler early intervention program answered within 10 minutes.  I should have a phone call between Tuesday and Friday next week to schedule a first meeting to gather the information they need and to figure out what services she needs and who will be giving them.  I have been pleasantly surprised by how easy the transition is's hoping it remains fairly straight forward and easy and there aren't many hoops to jump through. life this last week has been all about unpacking and fighting being sick...once all the boxes are gone, things will be fairly normal.

As I sign off darlings, here is your daily dose of cute. Who doesn't want to look at pictures of my girls playing in the backyard?

And of course, you need pictures of Halloween. We had a Tinkerbell, a Minnie Mouse and everyone raved about an appearance from Mario and Luigi...(seriously, we had random little kids giving us high fives on the street. They thought we were SUPER cool).
We crashed my friend's trunk or treat since we didn't know what our ward would be up to (Thanks again, Meikjn!) We had a lot of fun and the girls' candy buckets were overflowing by the end. We opted not to do any more trick or treating afterwards, we just walked back to Meikjn's house and took off because it was FREEZING cold...and with good reason, since we woke up to snow the next morning.  Faith started to get what we were doing, and contentedly held Jeff's hand as we walked up to the different cars to say "trick or treat". She even shocked us by starting to reach into bowls for candy when people offered to let her pick (we didn't think she would do something like that at it was a nice surprise). Overall it was a fun night and Jeff and I have discussed the idea of Mario and Luigi being our traditional costume because everyone thought we were so cool...LOL We shall see...

Hugs and loves until next time, darlings!