Sunday, January 20, 2008

Diary of a Delirious Opera Singer- Episode .999: Cutefest 2007

Welcome to Cutefest 2007!

This blog will take several parts to post...but believe me everyone it will be so worth it! So here is the rundown on winter break.
I guess you can say this... like sands through the hour glass so are the days of a delirious diva... I love my family, boys suck, I'm the most awesome person alive, and kids are fun...that pretty much sums it up (and you get to hear all about it, in episode form!)...but I decided I would create a cheesy montage using photos and videos so you could all experience it with me (hooray for cheesy montages!)

We start with my return home...

Idaho Falls, snow on the ground (yet...) and an eager family awaits the arrival of the most awesome person alive (moi) What followed was what seemed like an endless cutefest led by my fabulous nieces and nephew, who know more than they should and are always good for a laugh. Here are some things I learned about them...

Austin is a quiet trouble maker who flies below the radar...he is an evil genius in the making...too bad he's so darn adorable, he'll never be admired for his true genius...

Macee is a future supermodel, if there is a camera out she'll pretty much find it and demand that all pictures be about her...

Addie is a silent genius who knows a lot about a lot, she just chooses her moments to showcase what she knows, and of course when she does choose to share, you have not the slightest clue what she is talking about because she speaks in her own language...but if you nod and act like you understand, she will happily continue her banter.

I also learned what it means to be a supermodel, I asked the chillens to do their best super model can only guess the results...

During a rousing breakfast discussion, the topic of the Princess Bride came up...Kelly marvelled at my ability and Amber's to quote the entire movie...Austin found it quite entertaining and decided to give it several tries are some of the results...

One night, as Amber and Kelly were out making preparations with Santa for Christmas, I had an awesome night of babysitting...the kids and I crashed on Amber and Kelly's bed to watch movies and Austin got bored... It was then that at WWE Smackdown occured...Austin came out victorious, while Addie and Macee put up a good fight...

<--- The calm before the storm...

The winner and still Champion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (P.S. this is my favorite picture out of all the pictures I took this break...It captures perfectly Austin's evil genius side!)

Oh...and another side note about Cutefest Grandma Winberg got a new dog and a new apartment, unfortunately for her the dog came first and she had to leave her under the watchful eyes of the most awesome person alive and her sister...The kids couldn't get enough of Divi...if grandma has to ever get rid of her I hope she gives Amber the chance to adopt her (or me, that dog LOVED me...yet another reason I am the most awesome person alive...)

Well that is all for Cutefest 2007...Don't worry there is still more to come...I am after all I am the most awesome person in the world, and you of course dear reader can't get enough of my escapades...

you know you can't because I said so!

On the next Diary of a Delirious Diva....Christmas CRAZYYYY!!!!! Find out just how we know Addie is a genius and what happens when there are just too many presents under the tree...